Solera Sweden is a fast-growing company within the Swedish beverage market. We import and sell both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages from all around the world.

We operate in all channels available in Sweden, and in all relevant beverage categories. Our history is long and we have strong relationships established with the key customers in the Swedish market. We are part of a Nordic constellation of companies enabling us to offer our partners a way into all Nordic markets. In 2021, the Nordic Solera beverage group became part of the Danish company, Royal Unibrew.

Solera Sweden has the ambition of becoming the leading multi-beverage company and the preferred choice for consumers, customers, employees, owners and partners, by investing in insights capacity and customer focus.

Our aim is to triple our Net Revenue in 2023 vs. 2022.

We build the organizational capability and grow from current 47 employees to over 70 by the end of 2023.


Success in Fierce Competition.

A wine producer who wants to reach the Swedish consumer market has to get any of its products listed in Systembolaget’s assortment. State-owned Systembolaget has since the early 2000s, through a statutory monopoly, sole right on the sales of alcoholic beverages to the public through over 400 locations.
For every Swedish wine importer, good contact and cooperation with Systembolaget is an outmost importance.
It is gratifying to note that our serious commitment has borne fruit. Our producers are today represented in all price ranges in Systembolaget’s assortment.

Competition is fierce, and all wine producers need a serious, dynamic and business friendly partner with great knowledge of the Swedish market and the type of wines that are requested by the Swedish consumers. Solera Sweden offers this knowledge!


Quality, Advice and Education.

Sweden’s best restaurants are today seeing the wine traders as key partners.
Several of us working at Solera Sweden has our background in the restaurant business. It has given us a strong competitive advantage because we understand the industry’s needs and work situation. Solera Sweden has about 450 large restaurant customers and we are therefore a strong partner and channel for producers who want to reach this important Swedish audience in a growing market.

Distribution and logistics

The Key to Success

In order to achieve success as a wine importer, knowledge of the products as well as marketing and sales is a must. Parallel to this is an efficient logistics and distribution organization as important. To achieve the best possible storage and distribution efficiency with a pronounced environmental awareness, Solera Sweden has chosen to cooperate with the logistics company PostNord Logistics TPL AB.

All orders from Systembolaget go through an IT system built up jointly by Systembolaget and PostNord Logistics TPL AB. That means we can minimize error rates and the administrative process surrounding these orders. As for the restaurant market, order and distribution routines are obviously different and more personal.

CSR and Sustainable Development in the Group

We define CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) as sustainable development. That is to say that we are actively working to bring economic, social and environmental responsibility for all aspects of our business. CSR is now an integral part of our business development. Here is a brief description of how our daily CSR commitment is organized.

1. Continued growth. At the heart of our business is a growing, predictable and sustainable business. Without growth, it becomes difficult to invest in and develop our CSR work. Our goal is growth with social and environmental responsibility.

2. Social responsibility. As a supplier to Systembolaget, we are obliged to communicate and monitor the BSCI Code of Conduct, it means that we continuously work with our suppliers in so-called risk countries with an eye to human rights.

3. Environmental responsibility. We are environmentally certified acc. Svensk Miljöbas since 2012 and our activity is audited annually by an external auditor. We are actively working to continuously improve our environmental performance. Our aim is also to increase the number of organic products in our range.